Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vicious Rata attack!

This West Coaster was recently caught on film attacking a Metrosideros robusta or northern Rata. The man was completely unprepared for what happened next.

It appears that the Rata hooked the mans boot and in an attempt to hoist him sky ward. What happened to the man or the photographer is unknown, all that was discovered was a boot, fluro vest, and a camera.
If you come across a Rata such as this you must approach them very carefully, though they have never been known to attack without first being provoked.


  1. Hey Shunda - my 'verification word' was 'micebabl'
    That would do fine as a blogging alias!

  2. And the next one was 'bresto'!
    Are you making these things up?

  3. No Robert I am not making these things up, especially the Rata incident.
    You don't want to get on the wrong side of an angry Metrosideros, trust me!

  4. And you still haven't told me why you can't watch the E Papa video. Is it because the 100% claim is a croc?

  5. Yeah, that was my meaning Shunda. It's like tourists cooing about the beautiful green pastures of Southland, where I 'see' the field tiles, the missing forests, wetlands, the monocultural rye-grasses, the wire fences bisecting the landscape, etc. etc. It's a disease!

  6. best thing you can do with a rata is chuck it on the fire......hhmmmnnn so warmmm
