Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vicious Rata attack!

This West Coaster was recently caught on film attacking a Metrosideros robusta or northern Rata. The man was completely unprepared for what happened next.

It appears that the Rata hooked the mans boot and in an attempt to hoist him sky ward. What happened to the man or the photographer is unknown, all that was discovered was a boot, fluro vest, and a camera.
If you come across a Rata such as this you must approach them very carefully, though they have never been known to attack without first being provoked.

Friday, July 30, 2010

100% Pure New Zealand

I love this video, still can't watch it without it bringing a tear to my eye (damned leaky eye!!)
We live in a blessed land, we should do everything we can to keep it that way.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Southern Rata.
The Otira valley was ablaze with scarlet for several months last summer, one of the best flowerings for several years.
The step valley sides in a blanket of red is a truly unforgettable sight, one of the few remaining examples of the NZ bush of yesteryear.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A magnificent sunset yesterday. This view is through the twisted salt battered branches of the native Coprosma repens or Taupata.

First Post

Welcome to my blog.
I am just playing with the idea of having a blog so not to sure how it will go or how often it will be updated.
I will probably just share a range of things I am interested in and more than likely some of my photography stuff, please leave comments or any suggestions and please feel free to critique any of my photo's.
